4 Nursery Machines built specially for nursery container growers
4 Nursery Machines built specially for nursery container growers Here are 4 examples and some info to learn a little bit about the different nursery machines that are built specifically for nursery growers: Potting Machines Potting machines have been for a very long time and have provided numerous growers with efficiency improvements. They come in […]
The “TOPSHOT” Check out our new universal rice hull topper or potting machine. This unit lets you integrate rice hull or other material onto your potting or canning line. Purchase this complete system to easily utilize 30 cubic-foot bales of rice hull or machine load up to 2 cubic yards of soil for potting. The […]
Trigger Happy Fertilizing
Trigger Happy Fertilizer Hit your plants with an accurate dose of fertilizer! We’ve got your plants covered with this granular fertilizer applicator. Throw the fertilizer filled hose over your shoulder, grab the reigns of the modified cordless drill. Pull the trigger and a precise dose aligned with your fertilizer needs is dispensed into the plant […]
Mobile Progressive Sticking
mobile progressive sticking On the go and need to do some sticking? We’ve got you covered. Drag this guy around to where your propagation houses are and stick your cuttings into the trays on their way into the greenhouse. Mobile Progressive Sticking. Take advantage of progressive sticking Minimize damage to sensitive plants Keep your team […]
The “YARDSHOT” Check out our new rice hull mulch dispenser for landscapers. Use this machine to apply rice hull mulch to landscape beds and gardens at residential locations. Purchase this complete system to easily offer more value added services to your landscape and yard maintenance operation. Simple long lasting weed control for your customers – […]